Gumball Water Sons

About the game «Gumball Water Sons»
The cat Gumball, along with the son of water, will look for opportunities to sleep. Today Gumball really wanted to sleep during the day, but the sun was so hot that he couldn’t succeed. According to personal feelings, Gumball said that it was impossible to sleep now, because the sun was beating down so much that it was even hard to breathe. Except for Gumball, all his friends were tormented by the heat. There is nothing left but to go for water procedures. And then he decided to resort to the help of his relative - half fish. Together they came up with special water balls for cooling and began to throw them at everyone who suffered from the scorching rays of the sun. You need to go through 30 difficult levels in order to progress in the cold snap. You will need to get the enemy with the help of a water cannon and thereby disturb him. A cloud will act as an enemy, which can potentially give rain. Sometimes you will need to switch water to son to fire his cannon if Gumball fails.