Jump Jousts - Teen Titans Go!

About the game «Jump Jousts - Teen Titans Go!»
Friendly competition is only beneficial, according to the Teen Titans. Therefore, they decided to arrange a friendly match with each other in order to practice before the next task to save humanity. In the game Jump Jousts - Teen Titans Go!! they will train the entire muscle group, but today they decided to pay special attention to jumping. Indeed, in their work, there are often times when you have to dodge various objects and fly high. If you do not know who the Teen Titans are, then we will tell you a little about them. This is an animated series based on DC comics. It tells about six superheroes named Robin (yes, that one), Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, Silky. In this game, they will turn into different creatures that are close to them in essence and fight with each other in the guise of foreign creatures.