Mao Mao: Jelly of the Beast

About the game «Mao Mao: Jelly of the Beast»
Many of you have seen the cartoon, based on which this game was created. Even more, most likely you are reading this, because you saw on our site a game-sequel to your favorite cartoon. Mao Mao: Jelly of the Beast is your favorite hero who has a very good heart, and lately he realized that he wants to leave something valuable behind on this planet, to do something good so that people remember him and consider him their own hero. It can be even saving the whole planet from the invasion of alien monsters. But the problem is that Mao Mao is quite clumsy, and he often does more harm than good to the people of our planet. However, he has no evil intentions. Your task will be to help this hero to recover and teach him to help others properly. Together you will get rid of all the evil that exists in out planet!