Star vs the Dungeon of Evil

About the game «Star vs the Dungeon of Evil»
Disney never ceases to delight its fans of exciting adventures with the release of a new animated film about a little girl, whom everyone calls a Butterfly. Do you know where Butterfly came from? Real fans are now smiling slyly, but others may say no. Let's talk a little about it. Butterfly was born fourteen years ago and on her birthday, her mother gives her a magic wand, because of which she gets to our planet. By the way, all adventures begin on earth. We will skip the moments when she became friends with Marco and the rest of the guys, because now we will present a game in which Star and Marco will fight the monsters that came to Earth for Butterfly. All the monsters who arrived for the girl from the Mewni dimension hid in one of the dungeons, and from there they will make their sorties. But this cannot last long and Butterfly decides to go into the dungeon with his friend Marco in order to destroy them all.